01 February 2008

"Circle of Hearts"

"Circle of Hearts"---a new project by Mary Stebbins Taitt, in a technique which was suggested to her by Kate Jackson.

I understand from Mary that this project is "still under construction", and we may see updates later.


MARY SAYS: "After seeing Kate's tree circle, and loving it I wanted to learn that technique. I tried several earlier attempts from which I learned this: to get a full circle using Polar Coordinates, you need to use a square and place the items you want to make a circle of about 1/4 of the way up the square, all the way across. Then you simply apply the Polar Coordinates filter in Photoshop and presto, you have a circle. A little tweaking of the elements ahead of time seems to produce the best results. You want them to be even and symmetrical for the best results."

See more of Mary's work at http://imagik.blogspot.com/


---Michael--- said...

Mary, I know, is very painstaking and loves lovely things.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I didn't mention that first I constructed the hearts concentrically.

Thanks for the url!

---Michael--- said...

No problem, Mary. Now if you can send over one or two visitors...